Kung Fu Force was founded in 2013. It offers various types of training programs, including Tae Kwon Do, Wing-Chun, Self Defense classes and Kung Fu summer camps, etc. The trainings are successively established through local public schools, international schools, community centers, private clubs and children care centers. Our missions is to make Kung Fu practitioners not only gaining benefits of physical fitness, but also to learn respectability, self discipline, harmony, determination and fortitude.
「功夫坊」於2013年成立,先後在本地學校、國際學校、青少年中心、私人會所及幼兒中心舉辦跆拳道班、詠春班、綜合武術班、自衛術班、功夫體驗班、功夫夏令營等等。希望透過恆常的武術訓練,讓學員不但能強身抗敵,更重要是學習尊師重道、同門和睦、堅毅不朽、 迎難而上之精神。
Class contents: Our class cover on stretching, fitness, forms, handwork, kicking, stepping and self-defense training. We target to improve participants' respectability, flexibility, nimbleness, self-confidence, self-defense ability, patience, physical health, and mental durability through consistent practice and competition.
課程內容: 以鬆根、體能、套路、手法、腿法、步法及自衛術訓練為主。 希望透過恆常的訓練、公開表演、本地或國際比賽來提升學員的自信心、忍耐力、自衛能力、體格及擁有堅毅不朽的精神。
Color Belt Grading: There are 4 Color Belts with 10 grades for students to achieve. Grade 1-3 is junior level, Grade 4-6 is intermediate level, Grade 7-9 is senior level and Grade 10 is an assistant instructor. Students whom successfully completed 16 classes on each grade will be promote to the next grade through a promotion test held by our Association. They are eligible to apply as an Instructor upon the completion of the 10th grade accredited by their Chief Instuctor.
為更有系統地教導學員 ,課程分為十個級別 : 一至三級為初級學員(黃色腰帶),四至六級為中級學員(藍色腰帶),七至九級為高級學員(紅色腰帶),第十級為助理教練(用黑色腰帶)。大約每隔四個月,若得到教練推薦,便可考試升級。完成十級,可成為本會初級教練
「功夫坊」於2013年成立,先後在本地學校、國際學校、青少年中心、私人會所及幼兒中心舉辦跆拳道班、詠春班、綜合武術班、自衛術班、功夫體驗班、功夫夏令營等等。希望透過恆常的武術訓練,讓學員不但能強身抗敵,更重要是學習尊師重道、同門和睦、堅毅不朽、 迎難而上之精神。
Class contents: Our class cover on stretching, fitness, forms, handwork, kicking, stepping and self-defense training. We target to improve participants' respectability, flexibility, nimbleness, self-confidence, self-defense ability, patience, physical health, and mental durability through consistent practice and competition.
課程內容: 以鬆根、體能、套路、手法、腿法、步法及自衛術訓練為主。 希望透過恆常的訓練、公開表演、本地或國際比賽來提升學員的自信心、忍耐力、自衛能力、體格及擁有堅毅不朽的精神。
Color Belt Grading: There are 4 Color Belts with 10 grades for students to achieve. Grade 1-3 is junior level, Grade 4-6 is intermediate level, Grade 7-9 is senior level and Grade 10 is an assistant instructor. Students whom successfully completed 16 classes on each grade will be promote to the next grade through a promotion test held by our Association. They are eligible to apply as an Instructor upon the completion of the 10th grade accredited by their Chief Instuctor.
為更有系統地教導學員 ,課程分為十個級別 : 一至三級為初級學員(黃色腰帶),四至六級為中級學員(藍色腰帶),七至九級為高級學員(紅色腰帶),第十級為助理教練(用黑色腰帶)。大約每隔四個月,若得到教練推薦,便可考試升級。完成十級,可成為本會初級教練
© 2024 by Kung Fu Force Calgary